Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's that sticking out?

In every surgery there is always the possibility of set backs, infections and sometimes having to go back in a redo work. I had my drains taken out, which made a really loud noise when they were being removed, sort of like a squeaky mouse. I was happy because walking around with drains on is not sexy nor is it fun when trying to wear clothing. One of the items you must wear with drains is a surgical bra that is more like a parachute bra if there is such a thing. Everything you wear is uncomfortable, the best thing to wear is loose clothing or borrow your husband's t-shirts. I had endless doctor's appointments with the plastic surgeon. One particular visit became some a nightmare. I had noticed a sort of hole or marking on my left side of my expander. Now granted I still had scarring that needed to heal but this particular spot did not look right. After further examination, it was determined that I could try this 'silver cream' as they called it, a whole tub for $40.00! The cream I was told was good for burns, healing scars and cuts. So I could use it even after all this was over, sort of like a bride's maids dress that you can wear again and again. Although I am not sure anyone has ever wore a bride's maids dress over and over again.

Unfortunately, the cream did not close the hole. So my plastic surgeon was going to perform a tailoring if you will right there in the room until he noticed that the hole was getting bigger and determined I was going to have to have my expander replaced. This obviously did not sit well with me or my husband. I had already had enough time in the operating room, it was not a place I wanted to go back to. There was no options or I would most likely risk an infection.

In order to make myself feel better, I questioned my plastic surgeon with the help of my husband regarding how this could be prevented and why it happened. I then called my breast surgeon to sort of 'tell on my plastic surgeon'. Venting helped me but still I did not want to have another surgery.

The day came, I was annoyed at every question I was asked, rolling my eyes at times and nurses asking me what's wrong. So of course I had to tell them the entire story. Please do not misunderstand, my plastic surgeon is very good, it's just I was pissed that the hole did not close up and I was made it was not caught.

I woke up a few hours later in the recovery room, only this time it was the smaller area of the hospital where it was quieter and things ran a little more smoothly. I was greeted by friendly nurses, given snacks and a little less annoyed. Thankfully no drains or parachute bra. Just big band aids and gauze. All this time, I thought of contacting the BandAid brand company to see if they needed a spokes person.

There is one thing I failed to mention throughout this whole blog, that is it was summertime when all this happened and thankfully it was summer. If it had been winter I'd really gone out of my mind.

The next plan was to get my gummy boobies as I was calling them in January of 09. At around Christmas time, I was at our office party when I looked up and saw my plastic surgeon's assistant on television on crutches. I thought that is not good. My surgeon was part of the team that worked on the lady who was mulled by a chimpanzee. Seeing his assistant on crutches meant that there could be a delay in me getting the implants later then sooner. It was then that I call from my doctor's indicated just that, we were looking at March.

The next few months I anxiously awaited the surgery but I was glad I did not have to visit the doctor and that I had a break for awhile. I was able to enjoy reuniting with old friends, Christmas time with my family and not worrying for a while about what was next. I was mentally and physically exhausted. It was nice to have a vacation from the Clinic.

Tomorrow: Gummy bear implants!

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